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Sell metal detector security wand

Our security wand detectors are the perfect way to meet your requirements for screening.

We've got a wide range of wand detectors available, including those that are designed to detect explosives and those that can detect both guns and explosives. We also offer different types of wand detectors, including ones that are handheld and others that are stationary. Whatever your needs may be, we're confident that we have the perfect wand detector for you!


Passenger screening security wand

Security wand detectors are used for screening passengers and employees at airports, bus terminals and other public places. The wand is a metal detector that can detect the presence of a weapon on anyone who passes through it. It works by sending out a current through the metal that it detects, which then produces an alarm when something conducts electricity.

security wand detectors

The security wand detectors are also used to detect weapons in schools, court houses and other public buildings. They are also used by police officers and security guards as part of their daily routine when searching people for drugs or other illegal substances.

Security wand detectors are available in many different shapes and sizes depending on what they need to detect. For example, they come in different lengths depending on how high up they need to be held while in use so that they don't accidentally scan over someone's head instead of just their body area where most weapons would be hidden if there were one concealed under clothes somewhere along those lines!

They also come in different colors so that they can be easily distinguished from one another when several types are being used together simultaneously (such as at airports where there may be multiple checkpoints going on at once). Some even have lights attached so that they can flash red or yellow if there's something metal present nearby but not necessarily directly underneath where

If you need a wand detector for screening, look no further.

Portable security wand 

Dongguan Viboo  has a wide range of products to suit all your needs. Our security wand detectors are designed to be lightweight and portable, so you can easily carry them around while you're working. They're also made with high-quality materials that make them durable and long-lasting, so they'll last through years of use without breaking down or malfunctioning.

Our wand detectors are available in a variety of colors, including black, red/orange, green/yellow/blue, and silver/white. We also offer different sizes: from small (for children) to large (for adults). You can choose the one that best fits your needs!

We know that safety is an important issue for everyone in today's society—and with Viboo, we've got your back!